Habitat Systems is here to assist in your playground fundraising & grants needs to ensure your playground dreams become a reality. Here are examples of how we can assist.

Fundraising Guide

Other schools have been in your shoes. Fundraising can be tough. This guide details the stories of successful schools and includes a budget breakdown of each project and how they reached their goal. Each project featured in this guide includes contact information, making it easy for you to get in touch with the right people to take the next step.


Request a Copy of the Playground Fundraising Guide

Playground Grants

Playground grants are a great way of raising funds when there are limited numbers within your school or organization. Habitat Systems is here to assist you with your application. We can provide you with designs and pricing to include along with your grant applications that meet the specific needs of your group and site.


Request a Grant List


Scratchcard Fundraising Program

Specifically for schools, Habitat System’s scratchcard fundraising program yields 100% profit, and each scratch card raises $100 for your playground project. We will work with you to personalize your cards with your playground design so that people will connect to your cause and therefore be more willing to support it.


Learn More About the Program

Start planning your playground project today!

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